
Provider Experience

Licensed with the state of New York

Involved in Community helper for 20 years

Certified Infant/Child CPR and first aid, CDA

Excellent references

Child Care Program Role for Remote Learning

The care and supervision of children remains the primary role of the child care provider.

  • Programs may choose to support remote learning opportunities by helping to facilitate a school-age child’s participation in remote learning. This may include creating a work space where a child can engage in school work while under supervision, ensuring the child is able to log on to virtual sessions and has internet access, and helping to remind a child, to the extent practicable, to attend to the lesson.
  • Children participating in remote learning cannot be isolated from the program and must be supervised per regulation.
  • Child care provides are not tutors or classroom teachers and are not expected to serve in that capacity. The parent or guardian is responsible for addressing their concerns about the child’s academic progress with the child’s school.
  • The program will share information about its internet and technological capacity with parent/guardian. It is at the discretion of the child care provider whether to support remote learning.
  • Remote learning is considered an educational learning objective, therefore electronic visual media devices may be used for this purpose.

Remote learning that causes a distraction to the provider such that it impacts the quality of care provider will not be allowed to continue.


Children are fed nutritionally on a daily basis – breakfast, lunch and a snack as required through enrollment with the family and work place connection food program – See enclosed information and enrollment form for your child. Cakes, cookies, and other “not so nutritious food” may be served during special events like birthday parties, and holidays. Formula is provided by the parent/guardian, all other foods and beverages are provided by me.



If there are dietary needs or allergies, it is the parent’s responsibility to notify both director and staff. An Allergy Action Plan must be filled out if a child has an allergy or medical need.


It will be very rare, but there may be instances when your child may need to ride in an automobile or van. I will ask for written permission unless it is an emergency.

Release of Children

It is important that I protect your child by ensuring that your child does not leave my home with a person you have not authorized on your “Child Information Card” to pick up your child. Also please tell me if and when someone else that you have authorized on the “Child Information Card” will be picking up your child. Even an emergency occurs, I must have permission to release your child to someone other than you. I will need the person’s name and a description of what he or she looks like. The person picking up your child will have to present a form of ID before child is release from care. It is very important for us that your child arrives home safely. Therefore, if the person that arrives to pick up your child appears intoxicated or otherwise incapable of bring your child home safely, I will call the parent or the emergency contact person listed on your “Child information Card” to request their assistance. If the situation occurs a second time, it will be grounds for terminating my care of your child.


Because of the wide range of activities, it is recommended that children be dressed in washable, comfortable clothing. Plastic aprons will be provided for arts & crafts, as well as water activities. Parent/guardian must provide extra clothes to keep in the Daycare.

Photographs and Publicity

Photographs of the children in our programs may be taken from time to time and may appear in social media educational training, around the daycare setting. If you don not agree to photographs please sign the “No Picture” form.

Birthday Celebrations

Parents are welcome to send in a treat to share with their child’s classmates on birthdays or holiday parties. Inform the director and staff in advance before bring things in, for the children’s safety. Parents are welcomed at their child’s birthday celebration as well as siblings, only. The time for birthday preparation and festivities 3pm to 5pm.



Parent/Guardian will provide diapers, diaper wipes, powder, any ointment (i.e. Desitin/A&D). and baby bottles. To climate the daily bundle of items to carry you may bring me a package of each item to leave at daycare. I will notify you if items are running low. All item will be mark with child’s name.


Fee Payment Guidelines

Child care fees are paid in a weekly basis- Payment obligation is based on the hours agreed to use child care, not on actual attendance. There is no change in fee due to your child absences. If your child absent or Daycare is closed on the Friday that fee has to be paid. Parents are responsible to make the payment as we agreed.

If Parents not bringing their child/ren because of their Vacation, please inform Provider a at least one week before. Parents will be informed one/two weeks before Daycare Closes on Vacation.

Non-payment or consistent late payments is cause for termination immediately without 2 weeks’ notice.




Parent/Guardian Responsibilities

  • Parent/guardian is responsible for providing all materials needed for the child to participate in remote learning. This includes, but is not limited to, a laptop/tablet, books, assignments and log-in credentials.
  • Parent/guardian will provide the child care program the schedule for remote learning, including what time children are expected to logon, etc.
  • Parent/guardian will discuss the program’s technological capacity (e.g., internet access, etc.) before beginning remote learning.
  • Parent/guardian is responsible for addressing concerns about a child’s academic performance with the K-12 school teacher, not the child care provider. The parent/guardian is the point of contact for the school for all matters concerning the child’s education.
  • The parent/guardian will discuss expectations of remote learning with child (e.g., this may include not playing computer games, and not using the computer inappropriately).

Days/Hours of Operation

Child care is available Monday through Friday with the exception of closing as referred to in this handbook.

Actual days and hours are determined by the parent/guardian’s individual needs. From 8am-5pm


Please understand that the contracted drop-off time is important because I plan our day around the collective time frame of each child as well as each other phase of our morning routine – please contact me if you know that you will be more than 15 minutes late.

 Our contracted pick up time is equally important; there are several things to do before the children leave- snack time, clean up (personal as well as day acre room), shoes on etc. Of course, another reason is to know my “quit” time so I can completer other evening commitments.

Late Drop Off and Pick Up

Please contact me if you will be late dropping your child off to daycare. It is very important to me and the other children to know our schedule such as breakfast, circle time, etc.

Here at Capirolandia Group Family Daycare we understand that there may be occasion of major traffic congestion or bad weather conditions causing a delay in your travel – if this may happen please contact me so we can work out a contingency plan. Consistent tardiness could be cause for termination. A $5.00 late fee for each additional 10 minutes past our agreed pick up time will be payable upon arrival.

Custody Orders

I have to assume that both parents have the right to pick up your child, unless I am given a copy of a court order stating otherwise.


Until custody has been established by a court action, one parent may not limit the other from picking up a child in our care. The daycare must be noticed immediately of any changes in custody orders, certified custody must be given to Daycare director.


Injuries and Accidents

Every consideration will be taken to ensure the safety of your child while in our care. Should an injury occur, A minor Incident Report would be completed by the closet adult and signed by provider. A copy of this report will be sent home. Parent/guardian will be notified regarding any injury that occurs while you child in care.

In an event of major Emergency or Accident the provider will first call 911. The child will be transported to the hospital. The Parent/guardian will be called immediately.

Wellness Policy and Accidents occurring outside of Daycare Hours.

You are the best judge of your child’s health and we trust you will not bring a sick child to daycare. However, if while in our care your child becomes ill, displays an unknown rash, or acts out of character, staff will consult Provider director and you may be called to pick-up your child. When called you or an alternative emergency person are expected to come immediately. This is to protect the health of your child. Every morning as we receive your child, a health Check will be conducted, please if your child fell or has a scratch or black and blue inform provider or staff. That way we are aware. Also, in the afternoon check or ask your child if any incident may occur during daycare hours.

Child Abuse and Neglect

Staff members are required by law to report any suspected child abuse or neglect.

Weather Awareness Sickness

Parents are responsible to inform Provider if child sick. If your child has allergies, runny nose please provide the nose wipes/tissue for your child.


Parent/Guardian will give two weeks written notice, and two weeks full payment to terminate your child’s enrollment in child care regardless as to whether your child is present (with the exception of the trial period). If two weeks is not giving, you are still financially obligated for the two weeks of child care fees and late payments, two-week payment are still applying when notice is given in conjunction with providers vacation.       

Trial Period

There is a trial period of 4 weeks from the date childcare begins. If the child care arrangements is not mutually satisfactory, either party can terminate this agreement with a 1(one) day notice-any moneys already paid are non-refundable.

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